Białko WHEY PROTEIN PROFESSIONAL 100% (0,5 KG) Scitec Nutrition Biała Czekolada
Cena regularna:

100% Whey Protein* Professional - Biała czekolada
- z dodatkiem aminokwasów
- enzymów trawiennych
- białka serwatkowego instant
- bez glutenu***
Budowa naszego ciała
Tak jak prawdziwy plac budowy nie może funkcjonować bez materiałów budowlanych, tak i nasz organizm potrzebuje niezbędnych składników odżywczych potrzebnych do budowy mięśni. Wyobraź sobie plac budowy, na który nie dotarły cegły, choć wszystko jest przygotowane do budowy domu... Twoje ciało nie będzie w stanie zbudować mięśni, jeśli nie zapewnisz mu składników odżywczych, których potrzebuje.
Białko serwatkowe znajdujące się w 100% Whey Protein* Professional przyczynia się do zwiększenia i podtrzymania masy mięśniowej oraz podtrzymania prawidłowego stanu układu kostnego**. To czym na budowie jest cegła, tym dla naszego organizmu jest białko! Ponadto poza aminokwasami tworzącymi część białka produkt uzupełniliśmy również takimi aminokwasami jak leucyna, glutamina, arginina i tauryna. Zawiera on również enzymy wspierające rozkładanie białek, takie jest papaina i bromelina.
Ponadto 100% Whey Protein Professional nie zawiera glutenu. I co nie jest mniej ważne, wreszcie masz wybór tak wielu smaków - począwszy od tradycyjnych smaków po zupełnie wyjątkowe, że aż trudno nawet za tym nadążyć.
* Białko serwatkowe w 100% jest naturalnego pochodzenia.
** Stwierdzenia udowodnione naukowo, potwierdzone przez Europejski Urząd ds. Bezpieczeństwa Żywności (EFSA).
*** Bez glutenu, zgodnie z przepisami Unii Europejskiej.
Propozycja spożycia
Spożywać dziennie jedną porcję (30 gram, 3/4 miarki) w 250ml wody. Przyjmuj jedna dawkę po treningu w dni kiedy ćwiczysz i o dowolnej porze dnia, kiedy odpoczywasz.
**No NRV has been established.
banana: Instant Whey Proteins 89% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Taurine 3.3%, Flavourings, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
chocolate: Instant Whey Proteins 85% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Taurine 3.3%, Fat-Reduced Cocoa Powder, Flavourings, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
chocolate-cookies&cream: Instant Whey Proteins 88% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Taurine 3.3%, Flavourings, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Fat-Reduced Cocoa Powder, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
chocolate-coconut: Instant Whey Proteins 85% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Fat-Reduced Cocoa Powder, Taurine 3.3%, Flavourings, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
choco-hazelnut: Instant Whey Proteins 86% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Taurine 3.3%, Fat-Reduced Cocoa Powder, Flavourings, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
strawberry: Instant Whey Proteins 85% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy) ]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Acid (Citric Acid), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg), colour (Ponceau 4R2).
2Ponceau 4R: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.
strawberry-white chocolate: Instant Whey Proteins 86% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Acid (Citric Acid), Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Beetroot Concentrate Powder [Maltodextrin, Beetroot Concentrate, Acid (Citric Acid)], Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
Ice coffee: Instant Whey Proteins 85% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, Instant Coffee 2%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), Caffeine 0.17%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
kiwi banana: Instant Whey Proteins 89% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Taurine 3.3%, Flavourings, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
Coconut: Instant Whey Proteins 85% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Taurine 3.3%, Flavourings, Coconut Shreds 2.5%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
lemon cheesecake: Instant Whey Proteins 85% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, Skimmed Quark Powder (Milk), L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), Thickener (Xanthan Gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, Yoghurt Powder (Milk), Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
peanut butter: Instant Whey Proteins 86% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavouring, Taurine 3.3%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Colour (Ammonia Caramel), Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, Sweeteners (Sucralose, Acesulfame K), Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
pistachio : Instant Whey Proteins 87% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, Sweeteners (Sucralose,Acesulfame K), Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Colours [Ammonia Caramel, Copper Complexes of Chlorophylls and Chlorophyllins], Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
salty caramell: Instant Whey Proteins 86% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, Salt 2%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Colour (Ammonia Caramel), Thickener (Xanthan Gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, Sweeteners (Sucralose, Acesulfame K), Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
vanilla: Instant Whey Proteins 85% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, Yoghurt Powder (Milk), L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
vanilla veryberry: Instant Whey Proteins 87% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, Flavourings, Taurine 3.3%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, Salt, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, Sweeteners (Acesulfame K, Sucralose), Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Bromelain from Pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), Papain from Papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg), Colours (Carmoisine2, Brilliant Blue FCF).
2Carmoisine: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.
Piña Colada: Instant whey proteins 86% {whey protein concentrate (milk) [whey protein concentrate (milk), emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], whey protein isolate (milk) [whey protein isolate (milk), emulsifier (lecithins)]}, taurine 3.3%, flavourings, coconut shreds, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, salt, thickener (xanthan gum), sweeteners (acesulfame K, sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, acid (citric acid), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), bromelain from pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), papain from papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg), colour (tartrazine1).
1Tartrazine: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.
Pumpkin spice latte: Instant whey proteins 85% {whey protein concentrate (milk) [whey protein concentrate (milk), emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], whey protein isolate (milk) [whey protein isolate (milk), emulsifier (lecithins)]}, taurine 3.3%, flavourings, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, instant coffee 1%, pumpkin powder 1%, paprika preparation [maltodextrin, humectant (glycerol), paprika (Capsicum annuum) fruit extract, emulsifier (citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids), antioxidants (fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol), sunflower oil], salt, thickener (xanthan gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, sweeteners (sucralose, acesulfame K), colour (ammonia caramel), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), bromelain from pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), papain from papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
White chocolate: Instant Whey Proteins 87% {Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)], Whey Protein Isolate (Milk) [Emulsifier: Lecithins (Soy)]}, flavourings, taurine 3.3%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, salt, thickener (xanthan gum), sweeteners (acesulfame K, sucralose), L-Leucine 0.3%, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), bromelain from pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), papain from papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg).
Pistachio white chocolate: Instant whey proteins 87% {whey protein concentrate (milk) [whey protein concentrate (milk), emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], whey protein isolate (milk) [whey protein isolate (milk), emulsifier: lecithins (soy)]}, flavourings, taurine 3.3%, L-Arginine 1.7%, L-Glutamine 1.7%, salt, thickener (xanthan gum), L-Leucine 0.3%, sweeteners (sucralose, acesulfame K), bromelain from pineapple 0.07% (1200 GDU/g), papain from papaya 0.07% (1.5 FIP U/mg), colour (copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins). Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, peanuts, nuts, celery, fish, crustacean, molluscs and sulphur dioxide containing foods
***Only in ice-coffee flavour.
Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, peanuts, nuts, celery, fish, crustacean, molluscs and sulphur dioxide containing foods.
INFORMACJE O ALERGENACH: Wyprodukowano w zakładzie przetwarzającym mleko, jaja, soję, orzeszki ziemne, orzechy, seler, ryby, skorupiaki, mięczaki i składniki żywności zawierające dwutlenek siarki.
***Tylko w smaku kawy mrożonej.
OSTRZEŻENIE: Wysoka zawartość kofeiny. Nie zaleca się stosowania u dzieci, kobiety w ciąży i kobiet karmiących piersią. (32 mg kofeiny/100 ml produktu gotowego do spożycia.)
Opinie o produkcie (0)
Wyświetlane są wszystkie opinie (pozytywne i negatywne). Nie weryfikujemy, czy pochodzą one od klientów, którzy kupili dany produkt.
**No NRV has been established.